Monday, January 16, 2012

Life Lately

So, I'm thinking that "Life Lately" might be a regular post on this blog for awhile. It just seems to sum up everything pretty well for those who want a quick snapshot into, well, life lately.

Today was a great day. Especially after the past week of Lane being sick, recovering from being sleep-deprived, and just crabby, today was nearly perfect. Shannon and I both got up at (ugh) 6:00. I fed Noel (who only woke up one other time, at 3:00, praise the Lord!), took a shower (and cleaned the tub), had my Bible and prayer time, and got one load of laundry folded, one hung, and another load started all before Lane woke up. We had breakfast, got Lane dressed, made the bed, and got most of the apartment vacuumed (we took down our tree yesterday so there were needles [fake, but still] and glitter everywhere) before 9:30 when our babysitter showed up. Shannon, Noel, and I all walked to Starbucks and then studied for about an hour and a half before Noel and I headed home and Shannon headed out for business meetings. I stopped by the store for milk and spinach, came home, and warmed up leftover vegetable beef soup for me, Lane, and our babysitter. We said goodbye to our babysitter, I nursed Noel, and Lane and I played some before nap time. I changed her nasty diaper, and shortly after changed Noel's first real blowout...I think we have a couple of ruined onesies, but hey, that's ok. Nobody sees the white under-onesies anyways, right? Got Noel in bed. Got Lane in bed. And proceeded to have an entire hour of the house to myself with both girls asleep.

My girl has got bed head down.

I cleaned up from lunch. I cleaned the bathroom sink and mirror. I chopped all the veggies for dinner. I listened to Turkish (brushing up after a month off) while doing all my chores. I reassembled cloth diapers and hung the aforementioned load of laundry I started this morning. Noel woke up at 3:00 and I fed her and spent time snuggling her. I actually answered a few emails. Lane woke up at 3:45 and daddy walked in the door ten minutes later. Daddy and Lane played while I got dinner going the rest of the way and all the dishes done. It started snowing, so after dinner, Lane and I went out in the snow for a few minutes. When we came in I let her watch a couple of dvds before bedtime. My weekly Bible study got canceled because of the snow, so we leisurely began to get Lane ready for bed. She had a snack. And then she went pee on her potty and seemed to actually understand what she'd done. She got lots of high fives, silly dances, and a cookie as a reward, and she didn't fight me brushing her teeth. We read a Bible story and she went to bed without any fuss.

Snow! It snowed on Saturday, too, but it was wet and slushy and didn't stick. Look at this beautiful stuff!

And now I'm bleaching bath toys and moving pictures from my old computer to my new one (which I've had for eight months now, so you can see how big of a priority it's been!). And blogging, which it seems I never have time to do anymore. The snow is sticking outside and I'm so excited to maybe let Lane play in it tomorrow when it's daylight. I don't have to cook dinner tomorrow because we have leftovers for lunch and dinner, so instead I'll make brownies for dessert for the week and start baking cakes for Lane's birthday cake.

In short...I think we're figuring life out a bit. I've come up with a few things to help myself be more organized and purposeful in life (and therefore hopefully less overwhelmed), which I'll blog about in another post. Some days are still rough and busy. Some days I just want to pull my hair out and cry. But some days...some days go like today and give me hope that I really can do this parenting-two-children-overseas gig (without going insane, that is).


  1. We still have no routine but I'm hoping we get there soon. I would do anything to have both kids nap at the same time

  2. You're doing such an amazing job! I don't get that much done and I only have one baby...and one fur baby. ;-) You inspire me that I can do this parenting/housewife thing too!

  3. Try putting those "ruined" onesies out in the direct sun after washing them, but while they're still wet. The sun is great at getting rid of poo stains.


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