About 530 pages of reading
2 quizzes
finish my J.E. journal (when I've finished the reading)
give a presentation
2 exams, one of which consists of 2 1-page papers, one 3-page paper, and an objective portion.
So, the breakdown is as follows:
Tonight: read 30 more pages and journal on J.E.
Tomorrow: read 50 pages and journal on J.E., hopefully finishing this assignment
Saturday: read 80 pages and take a quiz, write one of the 2-page papers
Monday: write the remaining 2-page and 3-page papers
Tuesday: read 50 pages and take a quiz
Wednesday: prepare for my presentation
Thursday: give presentation, begin studying for exam #1
Friday (15th): study for and take exam #1
Saturday (16th): read remaining 300ish pages (one book)
Wednesday (20th): study for exam #2
Thursday (21st): graduation rehearsal, take exam #2
Friday (22nd): GRADUATE!
Like I said, I have many things to update the faithful four or so who follow/read our blog, but you will all just have to wait. Maybe on Saturday I'll have a chance to post if I get the aforementioned reading, quiz, and paper finished. I'll leave you all with a couple of pictures from our trip:
Shannon and Tim, trying to look like the locals
Look, a herd of camels!
These pictures are too funny!
ReplyDeleteI just want to leave a comment that I hope edifies you. you do not know me,I read your letter in the N&O on frugality. I am a 47 yr old wife who wishes I had your common sense when I was your age. You make the necessary sacrifices to reach your goal, plus it is wonderful to read your entries and see how you and your friends live your lives for Christ. Please continue to blog even when you move overseas as I will be following it closely.