Sunday, May 19, 2013

17 Months Old

Noel's vocabulary has EXPLODED this month. It's insane. I had a list going on of new words she was saying at the beginning of the month but it's just useless to try to keep track anymore. She says things like, "I hine-ing" (I'm hiding), "Ok ya mama?" (Are you ok, mama?), "Wice, pwease" (rice please), "yucky feesh" (she said this looking at fish swimming in the tanks at the grocery store), "I wanna dance," "yanes muk" (Lane's milk), and so on. It's insane. And hilarious. I love it.

Here's a bit of what else she's up to this month:

*new words: dance (dense), tiger, peek-a-book (pock-a-you), Micah, cheese, eat, lamby (ma-me), toast (toes), candy (can-ee), elephant (e-fent), Harper (happy), Matt, please, rice, phone (hone), bean, pot, hot, teeth (teef), bow, dress, nummy, apricot (cot), these (dese). And a million more I don't have time to write down...most of these were toward the beginning of the month when there weren't so many.
*will come up to me and slap my thigh and say, "seet, seet, seet" until I pull her into my lap. She'll look at me and say, "Hug, mama," and snuggle in as I get close to her.
*can climb a ladder.

*can climb up onto our couches and can get off of beds and chairs and what-not. She can also push our stepstool over to the counter in order to get to whatever's on top. Oh boy.
*loves, loves, loves animals. She goes crazy when we see a cat or a dog on the street.
*is shy of strangers. She's not an introvert at all but is very cautious with new people.
*will cry, "BOO-boo" when she gets a booboo and come running to me or Shannon, holding out the injured appendage and saying, "kiss!"

*is cutting both eye teeth. And is still in disposable diapers as a result. I miss my cloth diapers! But I don't miss cleaning nasty-teething-diapers without a diaper sprayer...
*has been having some sleep issues. She's been waking up at night, having a hard time falling asleep, waking up early, etc. She usually only sleeps about ten hours at night with a 2-hour nap during the day. I have a hard time believing it's enough sleep for a 17-month old. Maybe it's due to the teeth? Or more daylight?

Her first Subway sandwich (olives, cheese, and turkey. She shared with Lane.). I think she likes it.

*drinks like a camel. Seriously, this girl can down 4-5 ounces of water like it's nothing and then come back for more five minutes later.
*knows lots of animal sounds. "Rarr" for lion, "Tomp tomp"(chomp chomp) for alligator...I forget if there are any other new ones this month.
*definitely defends herself against Lane. Lane does not want to share most of the time, and of course always wants whatever toy Noel is playing with. Noel has no problem smacking Lane in the head or pulling her hair when Lane takes something away from her.

*loves to play hide and seek. She'll "hide" and say, "I hine-ing" when you ask her what she's doing. Then when someone finds her she'll grin and say, "Ahh, fine-ing!" Or she'll pop her head out and say, "Boo!" And, if I just start counting she'll run off to hide, whether I said we were playing hide-and-seek or not.
*likes to color, scribble, whatever Lane is doing!
*can count to three, and can count 7-10. I have no idea if she knows what she's doing, but I've heard her count 1, 2, 3, and 7, 8, 9, 10 on separate occasions.

*is good at playing by herself. I don't know what she does, but she plays alone very well! She especially loves their Minnie Mouse stuff, jewelry and shoes, and books.
*loves, loves, loves books. Still. We got a new Dora book yesterday and she has been toting it around, looking at it. When I read it to her she shrieks through most of the pages, pointing at things: "Fwah-wuh! Fwah-wuh! Doh-wa! Sun! Doh-wa! Fwah-wuh! Boots! Doh-wa!" I have got to get her on video being read to.

She's getting to such a fun age...I think I'd forgotten how much fun 18ish months was with Lane. I'm not looking forward to the eminent discipline for hitting her sister, throwing food on the floor, and so on, but still...she's a hoot. And I'm loving every minute.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! She is great! Camilla has just turned 19 months and she is not saying nearly that much! I love your blog! Why Scarborough Fair? I have a post with that name :) I couldn't see if I can follow your blog.


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